27 October 2023

Morning Routine you deserve

Every morning as the perfect start to the day: Optimise your morning to lay the foundation for good mood and maximum productivity.


Your Morning - Your Time for You

In the midst of hectic everyday life, in which we also do many things for others, the first moments of the day belong solely to you.

The start of the day can be crucial to boosting good mood and productivity. In this article, you'll learn how to design your morning routine to give you what you deserve. Valuable tips for a successful start to your day.


Setting the alarm earlier than necessary is difficult for most of us, but it can have a huge impact on your day. Instead of getting up just before time, try to give yourself 15 relaxing minutes beforehand and fill them with something you enjoy. A cup of coffee in bed, reading a chapter in a book, a quick stretch, listening to music, a relaxing skin care routine - the ideas are endless.



Some days you wake up at 5.30 am, other days at 7 or 9 am. Perfectly normal and very human. However, especially during the working week, it can be helpful to always wake up at the same time. This not only brings structure into your day, but also ensures a consistent rhythm of your inner clock. By the way, a fixed bedtime is just as important so that you get enough sleep.


Exercise or meditation can be a real game changer for your morning. Even a short workout or some stretching exercises help to wake up muscles and mind. Meditation is useful for setting a goal or intention for the day and getting into a clear and focused state of mind.



Easy, yet often forgotten: Drink a large glass of water directly after getting up to supply your body, which has been dehydrated overnight, with fluid.
Tip: A dash of fresh lemon juice in the water has an additional invigorating effect.


Your breakfast should contain lots of healthy nutrients for enough energy throughout the day. Overnight Oats are a great quick breakfast option that can be prepared in the evening. Discover more recipe ideas for a morning nutrient boost here.


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