Learn all about hypertension - from the correct blood pressure measurement and ideal blood pressure values to diet and lifestyle tips to help prevent high blood pressure. Our comprehensive guide offers valuable insights into how you can minimise your risk of high blood pressure.
To mark World Hypertension Day on 17 May, we are focusing on a topic that affects many people but is often underestimated: Hypertension.
Bluthochdruck, oder Hypertonie, ist nicht nur eine häufige, sondern auch eine tückische Gesundheitsbedingung, die weltweit Millionen von Menschen betrifft. Wusstest Du, dass Hypertonie oft als "der stille Killer" bezeichnet wird, weil sie keine offensichtlichen Symptome hat, bis es zu spät ist? Unbehandelt kann sie zu schwerwiegenden Gesundheitsproblemen wie Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall und Nierenversagen führen.
Doch die gute Nachricht ist, dass Du Hypertonie durch regelmäßige Überwachung und passende Lebensstiländerungen effektiv kontrollieren kannst. In diesem Blogbeitrag erklären wir Dir, wie Du Deinen Blutdruck richtig misst, welche Werte als normal gelten und wie Du durch Ernährung und Lebensstil das Risiko für Hypertonie reduzieren kannst.
Measuring your blood pressure is easier than you might think, and it provides vital information about your heart health. You can use a digital blood pressure monitor placed on your upper arm or wrist. Here are the steps:
Rest for 5 minutes before the measurement to make sure your blood pressure is stable.
Sit or lie down comfortably and place your arm so that the blood pressure monitor is at heart level.
Wrap the cuff around your bare upper arm, about two fingers wide above the elbow.
Start the measuring device. Remain still during the measurement and do not move.
Once the measurement is complete, the device will display two numbers: the systolic pressure (the higher value) and the diastolic pressure (the lower value).
It is important to know your blood pressure values, as they can provide information about your health. Here are the guideline values:
It is important to note that blood pressure values can vary depending on age and gender. The above values provide a simple, general definition for adults. However, for a more accurate evaluation and assessment, individual factors such as age, gender and health status should be taken into account. It is advisable to seek regular medical advice to ensure that your blood pressure values are within the optimal range.
A healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce your risk of hypertension. Here are some effective strategies:
A balanced diet is the key to healthy blood pressure levels. Here you can find out how to harness the power of nutrition:
Controlling your blood pressure through your diet is a great way to take control of your health. By keeping an eye on your diet and hydration and focusing on a plant-based diet, you can significantly reduce your risk of high blood pressure and improve your overall well-being.
Start making these changes today and feel the difference in your health tomorrow! With Every. 🌱
🍏🥤Eat sensibly, live healthily and take control of your blood pressure! 🫀🩺
Integrate a plant-based diet into your everyday life. Now it's easy and delicious!